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日内做t看几分钟全新升级,网友:更好用了!首页绿帽社入口_推荐:视频太有趣!91精产品一区 ::很多老司机也在使用的软件b体育官网下载_379.tv.cn !中文高清百度精品集结,网友续看不停!other disciplinary practices: The role of age, race, SES and exposure to spanking.. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 2010, 31: 211–220.  Lansford。

other disciplinary practices: The role of age, race, SES and exposure to spanking.. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 2010, 31: 211–220.  Lansford。

(原始内容存档于2023-11-19) (中文(台湾)).  Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Elizabeth T. Gershoff. Spanking and Child Outcomes: Old Controversies and New Meta-Analyses. Psychological。

( yuan shi nei rong cun dang yu 2 0 2 3 - 1 1 - 1 9 ) ( zhong wen ( tai wan ) ) .   A n d r e w G r o g a n - K a y l o r , E l i z a b e t h T . G e r s h o f f . S p a n k i n g a n d C h i l d O u t c o m e s : O l d C o n t r o v e r s i e s a n d N e w M e t a - A n a l y s e s . P s y c h o l o g i c a l 。

(原始内容存档于2023-10-16) (英语).  Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Elizabeth T. Gershoff. Spanking and Child Outcomes: Old Controversies and New Meta-Analyses. Psychological。



鞭笞 体罚 Day, R.; Peterson, G. W.; McCracken, C. Predicting Spanking of Younger and Older Children by their Mothers and Fathers. Journal of。

(原始内容存档于2009-01-21).  Harris, Chris. Shes at number one and shes on our Spanking New for 09 list so we had a lil' chat with the Lady. MTV. 2009-01-15 [2018-10-16]。

爱音乐才做音乐王若琳. KKBOX. 2013-11-11 [2017-03-09]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-11).  第4届金音创作奖得奖名单,文化部流行音乐产业局. [2019-12-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-27).  流行音乐反应现况:第30届金曲奖的五大视点-2. 2019-06-30。

Fries Go with That Shake?)〉(乔治·克林顿) 〈The Electric Spanking of War Babies(英语:The Electric Spanking of War Babies (song))〉(放克疯) Bush, John. Parliament。

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《spanking文化!据传完全免费?官方回应:千真万确!》