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self indulgence,self indulgent

self indulgeself indulgentself indulgence是什么意思self indulgence黄片在线免费观看_匿名:终于找到了在睡前放松的好方法!解析学self-indulgence /ˌself ɪnˈdʌldʒəns/ n. 放纵;任性词汇释义来源:牛津词典、柯林斯词典等*注:“一周热词”为译·世界...

解析学self-indulgence /ˌself ɪnˈdʌldʒəns/ n. 放纵;任性词汇释义来源:牛津词典、柯林斯词典等*注:“一周热词”为译·世界

because self-indulgence encourages more self-indulgence. For instance, you know 'the eye is never satisfied for looking, nor is the ear


b e c a u s e s e l f - i n d u l g e n c e e n c o u r a g e s m o r e s e l f - i n d u l g e n c e . F o r i n s t a n c e , y o u k n o w ' t h e e y e i s n e v e r s a t i s f i e d f o r l o o k i n g , n o r i s t h e e a r . . .


电视莲富大厦self-indulgence放飞自我Eating recklessly and sleepingendlessly are great ways ofself-indulgence during holidays.无节制

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare. --Audre Lorde自我关怀不是自我沉溺


that self-indulgence leads to trouble. Investing bypasses those alarms. You're not spending the money; you're just moving it from one


self-indulgence n. 放纵;任性★ 编辑:泉涌君娃娃机终结者--泉涌君!★ 主播:熊叔英语教师,英语配音员.口语纯正,被多次当成

self-care isn't the same thing as self-indulgence. Buying yourself a treat because you had a bad day is a short-term fix for a longer-term

DAY-1126. resolution [rezə'luːʃ(ə)n] 决议;解决;决心27. willpower ['wɪlpaʊə] n.意志力,毅力 28. self-indulgence ['selfin'dʌld

self-control as well as self-indulgence-but we seem to be especially susceptible to the contagion of temptation.目标传染在两个方向上都

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《self indulgence,self indulgent》